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Laura Out And About with Seamora

What?!!! When was my parrot Seamora behind the couch...Laying eggs!!!!???

What?!!! When was my parrot Seamora behind the couch…Laying eggs!!!!???



Seamora my parrot says,

“The other night I wanted to find a secret place to lay my egg so I hid it where I’ve never been.” – Behind the couch!

Seamora rarely climbs off her cage herself.

About three nights ago, in the middle of the night, Stormy my Aussie had to go out. When I was walking through the living room, I found Seamora on the chair looking out the window.

She did not tell me she laid an egg behind the couch on the other side of the room.

Instead she said,

“I was curious about what the cats look at in the middle of the night.”


* note: On facebook someone commented that Seamora looks sad and rough in this picture.  I responded that part of it is the lighting and Seamora is a rescue and at her old home she pulled out a bunch of her feathers.  The vet said that they will not grow back but it does not mean that she is not healthy. Also here she is eating her cereal mix. So what you see at her chest is her crop full. So it looks a little worse because of the lack of feathers. The crop is where the food is stored before it is digested. Look at her eyes. They look happy from eating her cereal.

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