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Fast Zach

This is Zach. He passed away on 1/26/2016. He was 16 years old.

During a pet psychic session he said to his person, “Life is a party and so is heaven and I’m ok mom. I love you…I am running here in these woods that has windy trail. I love it here. I am chasing birds and I am even bathing in ponds. I want you to know that I will bring back how refreshed I am to you. I can bring you a beautiful feeling. I can bring you love. I would like to come back (in life) again. I am thinking maybe I could be something fast and agile.. like a gray hound. I love being fast.” 

His person wrote: When Zach told laura he wanted to come back as something fast like a greyhound, I knew it was him because we called him zippy all the time because he was fast as a youngster. It brought me peace knowing he was ok. My heart is slowly healing but he was my forever dog. And the loss is huge. Immglad he’s happy and I miss him terribly. Thank you Laura for giving me some peace and talking with Zach.

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