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Free Lewis

This is Lewis. He is 4 years old. His owner got him for free off of craigslist. 

When asked what affirmations he would like to say, Lewis replied, 

I would like to remember, ‘I am safe. I am awesome. And I am the king. I also I would like to feel peace in my mind and love in my heart and I see clearly.” 

“I want my mom to know that I love her a lot and that I feel like my heart is connected to her and I know you got me for free and that I am a free dog and you think that is really cool and my old home was glad they got rid of me and I don’t want you to be glad to get rid of me I want you to be psyched I was for free and I am a big happy surprise. I love my mom. I am trying.” 

His person writes: 

This is Lewis. He is 4 years old. His owner got him for free off of craigslist.  
When asked what affirmations he would like to say, Lewis replied, “I would like to remember, ‘I am safe. I am awesome. And I am the king. I also I would like to feel peace in my mind and love in my heart and I see clearly.”
“I want my mom to know that I love her a lot and that I feel like my heart is connected to her and I know you got me for free and that I am a free dog and you think that is really cool and my old home was glad they got rid of me and I don’t want you to be glad to get rid of me I want you to be psyched I was for free and I am a big happy surprise. I love my mom. I am trying.”
His person writes: 

Little Lewis, my four-year-old Lhasa Apso rescue has had some fear aggression and separation anxiety issues since I adopted him six months ago. Laura is like a lifesaver both for me and my dog. She talked to him about a variety of things including calming signals (which he imitated after I showed him how to do them) and the fact that he wanted his bed washed (before he wouldn’t sleep in it and after I washed it, he went in and laid right down in it). Today he was also much nicer at training and tried to hold in his growls and barks as much as possible. Laura’s radio show and animal communication sessions mean the world to so many people and animals. I hope she realizes what a tremendous difference she makes. Lewis and I thank her so much.
Laura Stinchfield – The Pet Psychic

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1 thought on “Free Lewis”

  1. It is very important that we talk to our animals. We need to tell them what we are doing, and how it affects them.We also need to tell them where we are taking them and why. I recently told my golden retriever I had to take her to the vet. She did not want to go,and tried her best to keep out of my truck. When the vet visit was over I asked her to get into the truck so we could go home. She tried to run from me, and indicated she did not want to get into the truck, that it was fearful to her. I got down to her level, and cupped her head in my hands. I told her that she needed to get into the truck if she wanted to go home. So she stopped fighting me about it and got right into the truck. Sweet.

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