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Laura Out And About

Yesterday I took Seamora my 26 year old #blueandgold #macaw to the vet. I was worried about her, because when I was away she ripped the wire grate off the foundation of the house and climbed under the house. When I ask her why she said her body felt like it was shrinking. This made me nervous because lately I have been seeing other Blue and Gold macaws with their feathers and they all look so big and healthy. Numerous people have told me recently that she looks skinny and old. 1.5 years ago she had high liver enzymes and an infection. So I took her in to get checked. After blood work and a thorough examination Seamora is extraordinarily healthy! She is perfect blood work! Not to skinny at all and we were told she has a young looking face and great luster of her feathers! I am so happy! Seamora says, “now I feel I am even more beautiful. That woman made me feel good about myself. Maybe one day I will fly again… if I keep getting healthy.” The vet did not say she would fly again but I believe Seamora can do anything she puts her mind and heart to!

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