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Laura Out And About

Clyde is the sweetest bunny in the world! He says about his new life, “This life is really special. Everyone loves me. I have lots of free time to roam and secret places to hide. There are a lot of animals here that have become my friend. Hudson can scare me sometimes when he wants to play but I like sharing a bed with him. The other animals love me. I never feel alone. I get tons of veggies and strawberries my favorite. And apples and bananas too! I’m glad I’m here. I have a routine I can count on. My favorite thing is my out door pen. It’s open most of the time and it has a really comfortable bed. I can sleep in the house with everyone else or outdoors. My choice. I’m really happy here. My mom can’t stop kissing me and telling me how great I am. It makes me feel special. I do miss my kids from my last home but I had some kids visit me here. I feel loved here everyday not just some days. I’m lucky.”

Clyde is the sweetest bunny in the world! He says about his new life, “This life is really special. Everyone loves me. I have lots of free time to roam and secret places to hide. There are a lot of animals here that have become my friend. Hudson can scare me sometimes when he wants to play but I like sharing a bed with him. The other animals love me. I never feel alone. I get tons of veggies and strawberries my favorite. And apples and bananas too! I’m glad I’m here. I have a routine I can count on. My favorite thing is my out door pen. It’s open most of the time and it has a really comfortable bed. I can sleep in the house with everyone else or outdoors. My choice. I’m really happy here. My mom can’t stop kissing me and telling me how great I am. It makes me feel special. I do miss my kids from my last home but I had some kids visit me here. I feel loved here everyday not just some days. I’m lucky.”

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1 thought on “Laura Out And About”

  1. Laurentia McIntosh

    Aw, what a sweetie Clyde is! We had a passel of bunnies when I was a kid – our Cockapoo, Extra loved to herd them when they were out in the yard. As kids, we thought a rabbit-herding dog was hilarious! Our best to you all at Laura’s house from Laurentia and the furkids here at WiseAcres Wonder Barn for Woeful and Wayward Kitties.

    ps> I’m glad to hear from you -I’ve been worried about the wild fires and whether you all are safe where you are. Be well!

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