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Luca waiting for his dental appointment. I just explained to him what to expect and told him if he starts to feel scared and alone to talk with the other animals at the hospital or get in touch with the ones at home. He is brave and excited for his teeth to feel better! He says, “If Easter can be brave so can I. I know they help me here.” He knows this because just weeks ago Dr. Bailey pulled a fox tail out from deep down in Luca’s ear. Luca says, “Maybe I will talk with the other animals about what we saw with the fire. I saw it burning in the distance and smell it everywhere. I know the fire hurt, animals, people and things. But it didn’t hurt us.”

Luca waiting for his dental appointment. I just explained to him what to expect and told him if he starts to feel scared and alone to talk with the other animals at the hospital or get in touch with the ones at home. He is brave and excited for his teeth to feel better! He says, “If Easter can be brave so can I. I know they help me here.” He knows this because just weeks ago Dr. Bailey pulled a fox tail out from deep down in Luca’s ear. Luca says, “Maybe I will talk with the other animals about what we saw with the fire. I saw it burning in the distance and smell it everywhere. I know the fire hurt, animals, people and things. But it didn’t hurt us.”

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