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This sweet chicken is a survivor! Her people had to evacuate because of the Thomas fire and they thought the animal shelter was going to come to evacuate the chickens. They shelter could not get to the property on time and because of that a bobcat got into her enclosure and killed every chicken but her. When I asked her how she survived she said, “I hid and then when he came at me I jumped up, flew at him and pecked him in his eyes.” She’s a fighter. It’s going to be into the new year until she gets a new flock. It’s strange and depressing for her to be all alone but she is healing from the trauma and from all the smoke. She’s a really beauty too!

This sweet chicken is a survivor! Her people had to evacuate because of the Thomas fire and they thought the animal shelter was going to come to evacuate the chickens. They shelter could not get to the property on time and because of that a bobcat got into her enclosure and killed every chicken but her. When I asked her how she survived she said, “I hid and then when he came at me I jumped up, flew at him and pecked him in his eyes.” She’s a fighter. It’s going to be into the new year until she gets a new flock. It’s strange and depressing for her to be all alone but she is healing from the trauma and from all the smoke. She’s a really beauty too!

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