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Laura Out And About

Because of the Montecito Mudslides and road closures, I have not been able to get to the barn to see Jubilee in weeks. I am very happy that Nicole Chastain is taking care of her. Jubilee has been doing some light work, going out to green pastures in the morning and hanging out with some friends in some pipe corrals in the afternoon. Jubilee is kind of a princess who does not like to be dirty, but I have been told she has been doing a lot of rolling in the wet sand. This picture Nicole sent me after Jubilee’s bath. Jubilee says, “I am concentrating and having fun with my new friend Nicole. She likes me a lot. She is very patient and slow with me and that helps me understand. She also gives me treats. I miss my friends back home. I am making new ones here. I miss you and the dogs. I miss the dogs way more than I thought I would. Tell them I love them. I know that a lot of people and animals were in the fire and the rain disaster. I feel sad for everyone. I am not scared any longer, but It’s like my heart hurts even though I am not going through it anymore. I hope the road opens soon so you can come and see me. I am doing good here.”

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