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For those of you wondering how Jubilee is doing in Oregon. I received this picture and message the other day from Jubilee’s trainer Katie Dixon @renegadeequine : “Much more energy the last 2 days ! Woke up 2 mornings ago to find her just rearing away in her pasture (it was playful in energy), I think she was dancing the sun up because as soon as the sun came up she basked in it with her buddy :) she’s also making friends with the mustangs!”

For those of you wondering how Jubilee is doing in Oregon. I received this picture and message the other day from Jubilee’s trainer Katie Dixon @renegadeequine : “Much more energy the last 2 days ! Woke up 2 mornings ago to find her just rearing away in her pasture (it was playful in energy), I think she was dancing the sun up because as soon as the sun came up she basked in it with her buddy 🙂 she’s also making friends with the mustangs!”

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