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2 thoughts on “Laura Out And About”

  1. Laurentia McIntosh

    Dear Laura and kids,

    I am so glad you have found a new place to live. All the way up in Oregon? Wow! Is it a very big change for you? Are you close to Jubilee, now? I very much enjoyed the video of the kids exploring their new backyard. Seems kind of different from their adventurous encounters w/ the wilder side of life. Blessings on all of you. Hoping this new path is filled with happiness for you all.
    ~ Laurentia (w/ Piper the CKCS, and the Barn Cats)

    1. so nice to hear from you! Yes, we are in Bend Oregon for the summer. We will be back to Cali in the fall / early winter.
      Yes, I am 45 minutes from Jubilee on friends’ ranch. I hope you are all doing well too and you have a life filled with happiness 🙂

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