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Makia, my 14-year-old pure white cat, has recently been diagnosed with Diabetes.  She is now on insulin injections twice daily 12 hours apart.  Here is my interview with her.

Laura: “How did you feel before you got diagnosed?”

Makia: “I felt sick but I didn’t know it.  I had a little bit of anxiety.  I wanted water a lot, I felt like I needed to eat more than normal and my front legs felt painful.”

Laura: “How did you feel when you learned that you were going to have insulin shots twice a day?”

Makia: “I was wondering if insulin was vitamins.  You told me it was going to teach my body how to use sugars and I know that sugar is not good for you so I was confused.  The shot idea scared me, but it didn’t scare you so I wasn’t really worried.  You said you were thankful that I got diagnosed because now we know why I have been drinking a lot of water and now I am going to start feeling better.  That made me feel like it was a good thing.”

Laura: “What do you think about the shots now and do they make you feel any different?”

Makia: “I feel a lot different.  I have more energy, my body feels tighter, I am not that thirsty any more and when I eat I feel I can eat calmly instead of really quickly.  I don’t have that anxiety in my body anymore.  When I first get the shot I feel a rush in my body and a little dizzy for a couple of hours.  I like to sleep after the shot while the insulin gets settled in my body.  The rest of the day I feel much better.  When I meditate now I meditate on how I can help you change the world rather than trying to force my body better.

Sometimes you prick me with the needle and I think this is going to be hard to do twice a day forever.  But then I remember that the prick feeling doesn’t last long and if you can do it then I can do it.  I am thankful for you, because if I was homeless I wouldn’t be able to get better.  I also love my vet.  He is really happy to help animals and that reminds me of you.  It makes me feel as though I am in good care.

Laura: “What can you tell humans to watch for in their cats?”

Makia: “Drinking more water than normal, if their cat seems cranky, or eats really fast, if they are licking fur off their arms or belly, and sometimes my head would do a weird tick.  People should know that cats are good at meditating so you may not know they are sick.  You might just have an idea but not know for sure.  If you have a good animal doctor they will take blood from you cat and test their urine.  That is the best way to tell for sure.  I don’t like going to the doctor to have that done, but I feel it is important to know.  If you do that you may save your cats life and make your cat feel better.  If you take your cat to the doctor tell your cat that those things will happen in a separate room from their person but then they will be reunited with their person in a few minutes.  Also tell them that those tests tell the doctors if their cat is healthy and where their cat’s body needs help.  If you don’t tell your cat then they will get really scared at the animal doctors.

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3 thoughts on “MAKIA & DIABETES”

  1. I’m so sorry to hear about Makia. But the way she is handling it so maturely is a lesson to humans as well as animals. We all have a lot to learn from Makia – thank you so much for sharing!

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