The Pet Psychic®

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Misty May

This is Misty May. She died at 13 years old. She had a seizure, then got very playful, and then the next day had another seizure that was so bad they had to help her to Heaven.

Her person wasn’t sure if she did the right thing by waiting to go to the vets the next day.

Misty May says from Heaven, “When the seizures came, I felt like it was shaking me out of my body. One of the reasons I got so playful because I was crossing the veil to Heaven. I felt this wonderful feeling, and it had my mom inside of it. My mom has a caring way about her. She sat with me a lot. She stroked me and talked with me, and she told me everything was going to be ok. I felt my mom wouldn’t allow me to suffer. She was strong that way.”

Some animals express to me that during a seizure, they feel “out of the body.”  It is common for animals and people to have a period of energetic, happy time before it is their time to leave.  I feel it is the Universe giving them and us one last joyful time before they transition into Spirit.  If Misty’s person took her to the vet that day, her person might not have experienced that time with Misty.

Each animal and situation is different. If you feel called to go to the vet, by all means, go to the vet. Trust your inner guidance.

If you are struggling with the loss of your pet or don’t know when it will be time to help them, my meditation CD can help you. It teaches you to talk with your animal before and after death.

Click here to learn more.

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