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My animals tell what makes a good vet…

I have had the same veterinarian for 13 years.  When Lala, my first dog as an adult, was in the emergency room getting blood transfusions with vets that admittedly did not know what to do I called my Montecito dog walking clients to ask, “Who is the best vet in Santa Barbara” The answer was all the same. Let’s call him Dr. O.  I was 24 years old and scared. I called him after hours and left a frantic message on his voicemail.  At 11pm that night he called me personally to tell me to bring my dog down to Veterinary Medical and Surgical Group.  He said, “She will be in the best care there.”  She died but was well taken care of until her passing.  I was in the beginning of being an animal professional myself and I felt strongly that Dr. O was dedicated to help animals.  He would be my vet.  Dr. O has seen Maia (my wolf dog) through Cancer, Rocky Mountain Spotted fever and quarantine for biting.  One time in her younger years, I took Maia to another vet for a scratched eye.  That vet hit Maia with a closed fist for fussing and told me he would have to sew her eye shut for it to heal.  I immediately took Maia back to Dr. O.  He calmly had technicians restrain her.  He breathed.  He moved slowly and when Maia fussed he gave her some room and retrained her again.  He scratched her eye more with qtip to stimulate the cells to heal, gave me some drops and we were on our way with Maia’s eye in recovery.

When Makia (my cat) got diagnosed with diabetes I felt confident he would put her on the right dosage of insulin.  Then Joey my oldest just got diagnosed with a thyroid tumor and needed to be put under to have a tooth removed.  Having them under anesthesia is scary when they are old, but I trusted my vet that Joey would be safe.   My animals have all seen Dr. O in the last year for either a check up or for something more serious.  I will ask them, “What makes a good veterinarian?” (They are all talking about Dr. O):

Joey (cat that just had his tooth taken out):  “Someone who really cares about my mouth and cares to take out only the bad teeth and not the other ones (Joey had dental x-rays). Someone who comes to see the animal after the animal wakes up to make sure they are ok to go home.”

Makia (has diabetes): “Someone who remembers other animals and their stories in order to help the animal they are trying to help at the moment.  Someone who continues to read on what can help animals.”

Maia (cancer survivor):  “Someone who wants you to get well even though they may think you are a little wild.  Someone who wants you to feel comfortable when you are old and doesn’t give up on relieving your discomfort and cares still how your blood looks.”

Storm: “Someone who tells people to bring their pets in for blood work often and who takes time to pet you.”

Serafina: “I think a good vet is someone who looks over your whole body and then explains to your mom everything they see.  Someone who can talk well to animal’s people.”

Bean: “A vet that can cut a rabbit open and handled the operation if it is really hard and then a vet who knows what rabbits should eat and what they should not eat.” (Bean had a difficult spay and then another vet told us to feed her strawberry jam to get her to eat.  Strawberry jam is not good for bunnies and could do more harm.)

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2 thoughts on “My animals tell what makes a good vet…”

  1. Your animals are so insightful. I liked the comments regarding how the vet shows he/she cares about the animals. They want the same kind treatment that humans want from their doctors.

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