I have another blog, THE ANIMALS’ TRIBUNE that is linked to my official website thepetpsychic.com. Though it is movable type and I can not update it using ping.fm, twitter or my Iphone… so something has got to change. On a mid night whim, I have started this blog. My original blog will slowly be transfered to this one, but please take the time to check out THE ANIMALS’ TRIBUNE. I am very proud of it.
On the Tribune, I have posted pictures of the world’s pets with quotes that I have heard from them, articles I have written, or articles that have been written about me, and testimonials from my clients.
On Pet Psychic Girl, I will post all of the above as well as a daily dairy of my thoughts and emotions regarding my life as Pet Psychic Girl. I will also post more video footage of my work. This will be my reality blog! Stay tuned and do not be surprised if this template metamorphoses into something more appealing.
Meet my Animals:
My oldest Animal Joey
Dear Laura,
You are a Brave Soul that is being Helped and Encouraged to Write “Out Loud” Your Inner Most Thoughts, Through the Affirmations of Your Animal Friends!! You have Taken A Huge Step Forward to Helping Humans Learn That 1) Animals Need to be Treated with the Love and Respect We Should Be Showing to Each Other, 2) We All Can Grow and Open Ourselves to Change Things If We Just Listen, We Humans Can Be Taught by Animals To be More Compassionate! Thank You and Bless You for Listening to Your Animals and Being Brave Enough to Post Your Diary So Humans Such As My Self Can Continue to Learn More Each Day~ I Too Listen To The Animals and Have Not Reached Anywhere Near Being as Brave as You, but Maybe With Your Help Through Your Diary I Can Inch Forward…
Meg from Carpinteria, CA