The Pet Psychic®

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Hi Everyone!  Thanks for checking in.

So my first day as a co-host for All Paws Pet Talk Radio ran today.  We had a few kinks and are getting to know each other , but all and all it went well.

I would love for you all to listen to it and give me / us some feedback.

I talked to some rescue animals, how did it feel?  Would you liked to have had someone from the rescue group on?  Did you enjoy Will, Zea’s and my conversations?  We speak about dogs and to have or not to have a toy basket and how tail waging mean different things.  We talk to Freedom, a Great Pyrenees, about the Farmers Market and interview Keith who has developed a new type of dog thermometer.

What do you like?  What do you not like?  What could we do better?  What kind of guests would you like to have on the show?  What types of topics would you like us to discuss?  Did you find us boring?

Thank you!  Click the arrow below to hear the show!



Therese:   REALLY enjoyed hearing more of YOU! In particular your discussion on Will’s own ability to “hear”. It is so easy to discount those little voices as imagination, yet to me that’s what imagination is, the ability to let it in. anyway enjoyed the show as always and look forward to more! ty:)
5 hours ago ·

Barbara:  Yes, Laura, I also enjoyed the show. I always like to hear what the animals are feeling and needing AND it was great to hear the informational piece about tail wagging and what it means. I would like more of that kind of information….what various tail and ear gestures mean. Thanks so much.

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  1. Laura: I always love listening to what the animals themselves have to say through you! I’d love to hear that each show. It was also interesting to hear the farmer’s market segment, always interesting to hear what animals think about aspects of everyday life that we take for granted. I also liked the tail wagging segment, it would be great to hear regularly about things that help people better understand their animals, best food, training and activities? And also maybe occasionally to hear from people who are helping animals in some way beyond rescue and shelter groups, maybe like conservationists and biologists? Thanks! Cam.

  2. Hi Laura. I have always wondered about animals who are suffering at the hands of humans, if they wonder why, if they expect someone to intervene, what do they expect anyone to do on their behalf? It’s always difficult to know what is the best course of action for the animal.

  3. I love listening to Laura. She has talked with some of my pets and my sisters cats!! I have been enjoying this “All Paws Pet Talk Radio”.I am hooked!!! It is so uplifting and the laughter is so contageous.
    I love hearing what the animals have to say and it is so hard to know there are so many out there that are on death row.
    I volunteer for (SCARS) Second Chance Animal Refuge, a non-profit 501(c)3, for abused and abandon animals. I am loving it and the rewards are endless.
    I have a couple of friend who are working toward starting a new non-profit For shelter dogs on the kill list, to get more dogs off that list and into foster homes and perm. homes. We need more awareness in our area. Topeka, Ks. Keep up the good work.

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