The Pet Psychic®

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newsletter #14 peek

Dear (put your name here),

Over the last few years, I have become extremely passionate about sharing my gifts and my services with animals and their humans around the world.

I have created my new blog WWW.PETPSYCHICGIRL.COM which I update daily showing the thoughts and feelings of animals as well as my struggles and triumphs of being telepathic.

I have been working on some videos that I have posted on YOUTUBE.  Please take the time to view them.  You may laugh hysterically, be surprised, or touched and I hope learn something new about animals.

If you enjoy the videos, please forward them on.  I am trying to reach and educate more people about my work and the consciousness of the animals. So the more you share the better!

To all of you who are in the TV business, I welcome any ideas or contacts that could help me to either be a guest on a news program or reality show or help me in launching my own program.  Any PR ideas are greatly appreciated.

Now for the excitement!  MY VIDEOS:

Amazing Animals: click here
In this video I visit Amazing Animal Productions, a company that trains exotic animals for the movies.  Here I speak to Kato a mountain lion and a few wolves.

Animal Acres: click here
This is a short clip of my visit to Animal Acres a farm rescue organization that is located 45 min. from LA.  Here you will laugh hysterical as I get bit by Buffy the goose.  She later let me pet her which will be featured in the full length version to come.

Testimonials: click here
Two veterinarians speak about how my services can be of help to them.  A woman talks about how I helped her understand why her seizure alert dog stopped alerting and helped in the process of him alerting again.  A husband talks about how his dog, Reno, tried to tell their secret of the purchase of the wedding ring. And a woman who doesn’t know what to do about her cat who is peeing all over the house talks to her cat through me.  Should she euthanasia or re-home? You will find out and see if the peeing stops and if that cat still has her home!






Thank you all for your kind emails and all your support.

I hope you and your animals are happy and healthy.

Many blessings, Laura Stinchfield

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