New and exciting Pet Psychic Radio show!
Listen to how co host / show producers Ai Kusuhara’s new dog is doing. Meet Fenway! We take some callers, learn about calming signals and … Our rescue cat guest Twig talks about why he gathers up sticks and brings them back to the pride.

Our Rescue Guest is Siglinda Scarpa from Facebook page:
Her passion is the rescue and re-homing of cats and kittens about to be euthanized from our state’s many kill shelters. Also to shut down the many shelters in NC that still utilize gas chambers and some even use the horribly painful method of “heart sticks” to kill the animals.
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Pet Psychic Radio Live Thursdays at 12pm PST.
call in line (917)889-2693
Learn more about listening and / or being on the show at