First Published in the Santa Barbara News-Press 01/02/19
It’s always fun to ask my animals what they want to manifest for themselves in the new year.

Hudson, Ella, Felix, Easter, Jubilee, Clyde, Seamora, Luca, Baby Hudson, Me
Here’s what they told me:
• Hudson, 3 1/2-year-old white shepherd: “I want to go to the beach more too. I am going to bring out my wise self and have more playmates. I am also going to manifest my paws always being healthy.”
• Ella, 5-year-old Snowshoe cat: “I don’t see very well and this morning I could see birds with my internal eye. I am going to do that more. I am going to trust my heart intuition more than my reactions. Also, I am going to get a new catnip scratching cardboard bed.”
• Felix, 8-year-old Chihuahua mix: “I am going to let more people pet me and when I get scared, I am going to remember to control my energy. I am going to learn a lot more tricks.”
• Easter, 4-year-old Chihuahua mix: “I want to learn to fly in my dreams. Also, I am going to go to the beach more.”
• Jubilee, 8-year-old Appaloosa Warmblood: “I am going to manifest my mom coming to Oregon to visit me more. I have everything I want, but I am going to be braver getting in the smaller trailers and I am going to go on more trips to the mountains. And I have already mastered running in snow. My friend, Phoenix (mustang), and I are going to learn to jump over logs at the same time. We have been practicing. Oh, and I am going to be a good friend to a bunch of new mustangs that don’t know about people yet. When you know something, it’s important to teach it to others. I learn a lot.”
• Clyde, 4-year-old Flemish Giant rabbit: “I am definitely going to learn how to race Hudson across the yard and win. I am going to make Felix be my friend. He is still standoffish, and my mom is going to get me a cardboard house for inside.”
• Seamora, 28-year-old macaw: “I am going to learn more words and dance to more music. I am going to become good friends with the yellow and black bird that comes to eat my food and swim in the fountain outside. I am going to stand on my mom’s shoulder more.”
• Luca, 8-year-old poodle: “I am going to be more agile with my jumps and weaves at agility and also I am going to be more magical in my brain.”
I have two Woolsey Fire evacuees staying at my house until their home is cleaned from smoke damage. So I have to include them, too:

• Taffy, 12-year-old poodle terrier mix: “I have already started to believe that I can do more things than I thought I could. I can walk farther and play longer. Also, I want to spend more time visiting different nature places and I also want to meet more species of animals. I want to go to the botanical gardens.”
• Dalhma, 12-year-old cat (He doesn’t like his picture taken): “I am blind, but I have started to use my internal eye to see things and it’s incredible. I feel energy and see colors that I didn’t know existed. I am going to stretch more and also make sure I eat all the healthy food given to me. I am open to new possibilities and I believe that people and animals have open hearts and want to help each other. I am going to send love out into the world and be thankful for the love that comes back to me.”
Thanks to the cats for very good inspiration about the inner eye 😊😻!