Piddles talks about her fear in the car, “The car feels like wind I am riding. The car reminds me of something scary but I am not sure why. Does cars flip over like I am rolling? Are they scared that we will roll in the car? If I go in the car can I have the red spotted bed and a pillow from the bedroom?”

Tink talks about reincarnation, “You know what I think? My birthdate is a special day because it’s the day of great importance for my people. They will have me a long time. Birthdays are special cause it’s when you come out the tunnel and into the light again.”
I wonder if Tink can recall before the tunnel and if she knew her current family then. I think I have had friends come back to me this way. I also believe that when a friend leaves here and crosses over, they can sometimes can loan things to the living. A cat that never purr’s suddenly begins and a dog that never barks, suddenly has a voice!