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Princess’ Thoughts

This is Princess.  She died in 2008.  She said to heer person from Heaven,


“Dad, I want you to know that I felt peace when it came time for me to leave my body. I was getting tired of it. My legs were starting to cramp up. My dad just opened his heart and supported me.  I will forever be grateful because he was strong and brave. 


When I first got to Heaven, I heard this voice calling me. It was a grandma woman. She said, “Come up here on the bed.” The first thing I noticed was I could jump up really high. It was a high bed. This picture window was huge next to the bed, and I looked out on this garden, and she said, ‘it’s safe out there if you want to go out there’.  I just spent some time looking out that window and sleeping on the bed, and then in Heaven, I just went out there.


It is magical. It’s very lush, and there are no bugs.  There are frogs in ponds, and there these beautiful trees, and the grandma woman comes out there and has tea parties.  She likes to have people over to entertain, and I and all the other animals, pony (deceased dog friend), too walk around the garden together. There are chairs to lie on, and there are birds to watch. 


I want my dad to know that I spend a lot of time in this garden, and then I  come back and sleep next to him on the couch or in bed, or I come and brush myself up against his legs. I visit him.”


 Princess is making sure that her person understands that her passing went well and that she is in a beautiful place.  I found it interesting that Princess was shown she could jump on a high bed.  Commonly, Heaven shows the animals that they no longer are suffering from ailments they had in life.   I want to visit that garden.

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1 thought on “Princess’ Thoughts”

  1. Stephanie McCurry

    I want to visit that garden, too!! When my Macy became my angel, when you were doing your radio show, Laura, I was able to speak with you and Macy. She had just passed in March 2010. She told you that she could jump really high on the bed, too. While she was sick, she couldn’t jump anymore and me and her Dad had to help her up onto things. She also said that Heaven was like home😭

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