The Pet Psychic®

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Sometimes when our animals are dealing with persistent health challenges, it is hard to imagine them overcoming them.  I believe Rex’s vet calls dogs over eight years of age “seniors.”  Rex is nine.  

I think that is crazy!  Luca is almost eleven and still running agility.  He is not a “senior”! You can call him a senior at 14 years-old – maybe.   

I explained to Rex that I believe that he could feel better and that he is still young. He responded, “When you said they (meaning Rex and his brother) are not old, and they can live long, and they will be great on this food. I thought to myself, ‘This is great news! I wish my vet had better news!”

Veterinarians have so much power over the health and emotional wellbeing of the animals they are treating. Every thought they are thinking around the animal, the animal is experiencing. Rex’s vet may be very good, but I am concerned if he thinks eight years old for a small/med dog is senior!

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