The Pet Psychic®

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This is Salvador. He says, “Can we find another playground?” His person has taken him to children’s playgrounds before.

He says, “I was wondering, can you tell my mom that I think she is the coolest person. We all do. We feel that my mom has a lot of sass and a lot of smarts. I have some advice for one of her friends. It’s really easy to leave a relationship. You just do it. I never had anyone be mean to me, but if I did, I would be gone fast. I don’t understand why it’s so difficult for you to leave someone mean. You need to do a lot of mirror work. You need to look in your eyes to see that you are acting like a scared frog. If you love fun, you would just leave easy. Frogs love fun. They love to jump and they go from one place to another by taking giant leaps. That is why I like them.”

Salvador is talking to his person’s friends. Her boyfriend is disrespecting her with another woman. He is one observant kitty. Some animals find our emotional complexities confusing. For them, the decision is easy. Follow what makes you happy and spend less time in situations that make you stressed.

He goes on to say, “Mom, you’re awesome, and I am glad you are as smart as me because you give me such a great life.”

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