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This is Sampson. He passed away a few years ago. Here is talking to his person about possibly reincarnating. “I would like to go back to my mom. I would like to be similar to what I was. Maybe have a fun-spirited wiggly breed in me. I would like to be able to wiggle my body when I am happy. I thought maybe it would be fun to be a female in the next life, but I am not sure. Maybe I could be the same color or maybe I could be different. I just feel like mom will know me when she sees me. She will be like, ‘That is one good-looking dog. That dog is so fun.’ Fun is my number one energy feeling, and … I won’t slip on the floors. I will be very agile, and I will have one of those big tails that wave.”

I love this because Sampson is exploring how he wants to look and feel when he comes back to life. This is the beginning process. He doesn’t need to know all the details. Neither does his person. Once Sampson knows exactly how he wants to “feel” the Universe takes care of the rest. Sampson and his person will be magnets to one another. It will be a surprise miracle when it happens.

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