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Sasha’s Thoughts From Heaven

This is Sasha. She died in November 2020 at the age of 13.  We asked her what her dying process was like. She replied,

“I died running in my sleep. I was in this field that had all these butterflies. The air was crisp and clean. The sun was bright but not hot. I was running down this trail in the mountains. I felt so much love, so I just kept running and running, and then Chester (doggy brother) appeared, and we were running together.  We came to a big body of water.  I waded in it. The sky was big, and the scenery was beautiful.  I took a drink of water and a deep breath. Then I became love stretched all across the sky.  I became everything. And then I could feel myself lying next to you and holding me, spooning me loving me, and I could feel your sadness and happiness for who I was in my life with you, and I felt so much love. You gave me so much in life, dad. You gave me so much in life.”


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