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Stormy On Helping Others Who Suffer

Dear Stormy: Helping Someone Who’s Suffering

Calm and Healing Thoughts and Prayers Can Help

Dear Stormy,

Thank you for your insights. You warmed my heart. I am sorry to hear that your sister Seamora (blue and gold macaw parrot in family) broke her leg. What advice do you have for families who have a loved one who is suffering? —Jessie

Dear Jessie,

I have watched my mom (Laura) care for a lot of animals that are suffering. We have learned many ways of being over the years.

What is not helpful is to panic and frantically think about all the bad things that can happen in the future. It is normal to do this at first, but you have to catch yourself and replace your thoughts with calm healing thoughts.















For instance, with Seamora we were worried she would bite through her cone and rip out the iron pins in her leg. She did this at the vet, so it was a real worry. We started to tell Seamora that she has a magic healing hat on and that is going to heal her leg. Our friends Ai and her dog Fenway told Seamora this, too, because Fenway also has to wear a magic healing hat. We thought it would be good for Seamora to hear from someone who had to go through a similar situation.

It is very important to create a feeling of peace in your mind. You have to ask yourself, “What is the best this situation could look like?” We picture Seamora calm, content, and resting while her leg heals fast. She has a hard time putting weight on that leg, and her magic hat gives her sores, so we have to force ourselves to acknowledge the peace in our hearts to send to Seamora.

It is not good to feel sorry for her because then she will feel sorry for herself, and that is not a good feeling to live with day to day. Connect the image of health to the love in your heart and breathe over and over again with that image and feeling. Seamora will feel that energy, and so will all the angels that are helping your family. There are angels helping you.

One day, Seamora was really depressed, and my mom was very worried about her. We prayed for her, and my mom posted a picture of Seamora on Facebook and asked people to pray for her. It was amazing. Within a few hours, Seamora’s demeanor changed, and she perked up. So ask others to pray for your loved ones. Don’t be shy about this. It is good for people to do something nice for someone else. It really has power for all involved.

I know that when you have a loved one who is suffering you can worry about them being alone. We had a pet sitter for Seamora when she was first healing, and then we just trusted she would be okay. You have to make a judgment call on what is needed. If you trust your instincts, then enjoy your time away. When we are away from Seamora, we will take a few moments to center ourselves, breath love into our hearts, and then imagine that love surrounding Seamora. We will talk to her, too. You can do that with any loved one. They will receive your love and feel comforted.

Seamora 5 weeks into healing











It is hard not to suffer with your loved ones. It is important to stay in joy. It may be hard to believe, but we all can suffer joyfully. There will always be challenges in life. I have learned this by watching people and feeling my body get older. It is our attitude that matters. Our attitude and our love is what creates our reality. Love, and believe in happiness. Suffering can destroy you if you let it, but it also can make you a stronger loving individual. I choose to love during suffering. You should too.

I hope this helps you.

Love, Stormy

Stormy best dog ever

Stormy, aka Storm King, is a 14½-year-old Australian shepherd. His person is Laura Stinchfield, the pet psychic of

If you are a fan of Stormy’s and would like to hear his advice on life in general, your life, or your pet’s life, please email questions to with “Dear Stormy” in the subject line. * Stormy does not talk to your pets. He gives advice 🙂

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