
The Pet Psychic®


From Wayne Pacelle’s Blog ~ A Humane Nation * Wolves

From Wayne Pacelle’s Blog: ABOUT WAYNE:  Few are in a position to speak for the animals like Wayne Pacelle. As President and CEO of The Humane Society of the United States, he leads 11 million members and constituents in the mission of celebrating animals and confronting cruelty. The HSUS is organization I support and trust.

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Season’s Greetings From The Animals

  Season’s Greetings Kindness Gets Top Honors Tuesday, December 25, 2012         Stormy, 13-year-old Aussie, says, “Reach out to people who you think are lonely. Dance with your friends.”                     Luca, two-year-old poodle, says, “Share your food with your pets. (Only the healthy food!) Make a

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