The Pet Psychic®

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The Pet Psychic: Animal Zone S5 Ep13 The Pet Psychic ® Talks With Peter and his dog Hank

Meet Peter and his dog Hank. Hank has had a rough go. He was hit by a car as a puppy, loss their home in the Thomas Fire, and is currently being treated for Valley Fever. Valley Fever can be a deadly disease. The side effects of medicine alone can destroy the organs. Hank recently healed from liver disease. These two have a strong bond. Love wins. On this episode of Animal Zone, listen to what Hank has to say about his dad, Peter.

Arthur Von Wiesenberger is the host of Animal Zone


Featuring Peter Stuart and his dog Hank.


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Peter’s Website



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Mayor Max II of Idyllwild, California, is featured this week. He has a real tail to share because he is a golden retriever! He was elected, we learn from his Chief of Staff Phyllis Mueller, on a platform of love and peace. His political rivals may have only promised a bone in every dish, a cat in every tree, and a hydrant on every corner!


Laura Stinchfield, The Pet Psychic, speaks with Hank, a rescued Catahoula Leopard Dog and the state dog of Louisiana. Hank and his pawrent, Peter Stuart, are avid fans of AnimalZone and watch it regularly. Hank shares some “woofs of wisdom.”


At the Santa Barbara Humane Society, CEO Kerri Burns discusses important insights about animals and the holidays from the 4th of July to Christmas and certain steps to avoid the need for a vet visit.

Mitch Telson, former President of Petco, shares the story of how a small chain of pet stores in San Diego expanded to the national brand of pet store emporiums under his leadership in the 1980s.


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