
The Pet Psychic®

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This is Valentino. He is twelve years old. He loved his dog groomer, but she recently moved out of state. Valentino says about her, “I wonder if she misses her life. I feel that we dogs gave her so much joy and now it’s very sad that she doesn’t have all that joy.” Then he went on to talk about things he wanted to tell his new groomer. He says, “I can’t do the dryer anymore. I don’t like the dryer because it makes me so disoriented…I need my paw fur trimmed because I can feel myself slip a little.”

These are two issues that many older dogs have problems with. If older dogs seem upset with the dyer, it’s best to let them air dry a little. Also, it’s an important reminder to make sure the fur in between the dog’s pads is trimmed so the older dogs don’t slip and hurt themselves.”

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1 thought on “Valentino”

  1. Thank you Laura for all you do for the animals. We are so blessed to be able to share this wonderful planet with them!

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