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Missing / found Bunny Bean

Bean went missing one day before I had to rush off to Malibu for work.  When I first tuned into her she said, “What if a hawk caught me?” Which had me frantically searching our little yard for a hiding black bunny.

She has tunnels that I imagine are dug all the way to the golf course four blocks away.  I stuck a broom handle as far as it could go and felt no Hiding Bunny Bean.

Storm King the Aussie / Bunny Herder was on it and he too couldn’t sniff her out.

Finally I walked next store to the park and found myself stopped along the fence. “Hi Mom” I hear from behind my fence and there is little Bean with her tiny rabbit eyes and whiskers peering out at me from a crack in the wood fencing.  She was between a wood fence and garden fence.  Both on our property.

Hiding Bunny Bean. I lightened around her. Do you see her?

“Beanie please come out”.  “No mom,” she answered back, “It’s hot and nice and cool in here.” Finally, I convinced her while standing on a chair pushing her out with the broom.

Bean safe in her pen. Waiting for her treats.
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