May 2010 phone session:
Angel says, “If I become a master of myself will other dogs and people notice? Sometimes I get confused on what is good behavior and what is behavior I have to do. When I fight sometimes I think that is behavior I have to do. I am confused a lot of the time and when that happens I either play or not think anymore. I feel like there is too much to understand. Dad thinks its cool to have us but then he thinks we are a nuisance. Dad should know that if we didn’t have this home we would be living in terrible places. Mom has saved us.”
Nov. 2010 phone session:
Angel says, “I have learned that my eyes can start a fight. If I look too long at someone I can get mad. So I have been trying not to look so much. I like the feeling of being good rather than the feeling of being aggressive. Deep down I’m really very friendly.”
Notes from Angels person: (Since her first session with Laura back in Feb. 2010, Angel has made enormous progress, and while that took work on her part and ours, the insight Laura was able to provide after listening to all our dogs was invaluable and increased their communication and cooperation with each other. Now the other dogs help Angel instead of avoiding her and all are markedly more happy and relaxed. Truly, this is priceless!)
I am so proud of the way Angel has been thinking about her behavior and changing. It is important to believe that our animals can change and explain to them step by step how they can change.