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Animal Communicator and The Mean Kitty

I had the pleasure to work with YouTuber Cory Williams and his cats Sparta and Loki.

What I loved most about my session with Cory and his cats is that I found that the cats know that Cory makes people laugh.  

They understand how important laughter is to the world and they shared that the world would be boring with out Cory and his work.

Now… Here is the video Cory made of our session…. Enjoy!




Please check out Cory, Sparta, & Loki’s other videos on TheMeanKitty YouTube Channel.  Click Here 

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6 thoughts on “Animal Communicator and The Mean Kitty”

  1. Alene LaDelle Brown

    I LOVED this video. Sparta looks like he could be Buddys brother. Lots of times
    probably once a day, Buddy and Sonny start “grooming” each other, then they wrestle, but THEN (if I upstairs and they aren’t) I hear Sonny crying. Buddy is on his back and biting. No blood or anything, but rough, and I have to break it up. SO Im wondering if its the same as with Cory and Sparta.

    1. He means when I hear animals talking in my head do they all sound the same. For instance “Does a Japanese cat have a Japanese accent?” To me they all sound the same except their emotions and temperament sound different.

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