The Pet Psychic®

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Bella’s person could not be with Bella when she died.  This is what Bella said about that, “Tell my mom that it was ok that she was not with me.  I was really foggy and I didn’t feel any pain but I had already started to drift out of my body and when I died I went home to wrap myself around my mom. When she got the phone call I was standing next to her and I also was in the car with her and I got her friend on the phone.

Tell mom that when I died there was doctor there that was petting me and kissing my head.  She said to travel softly and to be brave and this doctor had a lot of love for me.”

She also says, I had to come to heaven cause I have to help a lot of animals that are not finding their way to heaven. Right now I am in school. I am in school to learn how to help animal spirits that are trapped in lower realms to awake and release themselves and to follow me. I am learning how to travel like down the dimensions like swimming. It is really neat.”

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