I am so excited! Dalai & friends! Suns not even up yet!
WHISPER was found outside as a kitten. She was frightened. She says, “I heard a voice in my head that said don’t be scared, go to him, they will take care of you.” She also has a problem with peeing on the dogs cedar dog bed. She says, “I pee on them because it smells
“You know what I think about when i talk to you, I dont even know you and your a good friend. Though, you make me tired. Can you tell my mom to put a picture of me on the refridgerator.”
My Telepathic Gifts, “Did you get struck by lightening?”
People often say that they notice animals are calmer when they are in my presence. I have thought a lot about this. Why are animals calmer? Do they know I can hear them just by looking at me? I don’t always tell them I can hear them, but I do I know the subtle differences
My Telepathic Gifts, “Did you get struck by lightening?” Read More »