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Bradley Blue

This is Bradley Blue and his new friend Maddie. Maddie is a college student who I have hired to do some work for me. She’s pretty amazing. She edits some of my social media pictures, washes the car, and also washes the dogs! Since Bradley is formerly feral, I wasn’t sure how he would do with someone new bathing him. I almost told Maddie I would wash Bradley myself, but I stopped myself. I didn’t want to hold Bradley back from learning it is OK for others to handle him. I am very proud of him!


He says, “I felt that she really wanted to do a good job cleaning me, and it felt good to be loved. New people are always friendlier than I expect.” 



Bradley is a reminder that we can create a new personality. Just because he has been fearful of people in his past doesn’t mean he has to continue to live by that fear. We all can create a new life! Bradley is creating a life full of fun and new friendships! 

How are you helping your animals to do the same?

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