This is Ekho. She says, “Maybe my mom could rub my belly. I like when she does a little rub.” It is the simple things in life.
This is Ekho. She says, “Maybe my mom could rub my belly. I like when she does a little rub.” It is the simple things in life.
This is Red. He is four years old. He often sees Spirits. He says, “I often see Lucky (his late cat brother) and The Customer (late outdoor brother feral cat). When I see them, they are way younger and more agile than they were before they died. They sprint when I sprint. Lucky told me
This is Penny. She is three years old. She is a rescue. She was once hit by a car and has a metal plate in her leg. Her person wanted me to help Penny choose not to swat at her person sometimes. I wondered if Penny swats because she is in pain. Penny says, “When
This is Gracie. She is four years old. She says, “Happiness has to do with being wise about what you choose to think about. I find this to be challenging because sometimes I am not happy because I have a real desire to walk long distances, but then I think to myself even though I
This is Barbo. He died at nine years old. He says from Heaven, “When I would stretch out my leg, my people would sometimes massage it, and it felt so much better. I want them to know that when I was in pain, I felt so loved that the pain would drift away. I think
This is Valentino. He is twelve years old. He loved his dog groomer, but she recently moved out of state. Valentino says about her, “I wonder if she misses her life. I feel that we dogs gave her so much joy and now it’s very sad that she doesn’t have all that joy.” Then he
This is Sampson. He passed away a few years ago. Here is talking to his person about possibly reincarnating. “I would like to go back to my mom. I would like to be similar to what I was. Maybe have a fun-spirited wiggly breed in me. I would like to be able to wiggle my
This is Madison. She is 13 years old. We have been friends for a long time. She talks about how I have given her some ideas over the years. She is pretty special! Madison says, “I think what is important is the dream board idea. My mom (person) should have something that gives you a
This is Lola. She died at eleven years old. She came to her mom in the middle of the night and then went downstairs, fell asleep, and passed away. Her person petted her when she came to her, but did not wake up to be with her, because she had no idea she was dying.
This is Juno. She died at eleven years old. She says to her person from Heaven, “Here in heaven is this bright blue star that has twinkling energy. When I am around it, I feel more vibrant. I feel full of energy. There is a grandma woman here who loves to wear necklaces. She has