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This is Caesar. He died 1/8/19 at the age of 13.

On April 6th 2019 I spoke with Caesar from Heaven.

After our session, on a form where I ask if there are any quotes from our session that his person wants to share with my readers his mom wrote:

“There was so many. He can do my skip dance, which was funny because I would always sing and dance with him.

His pain was over instantly, I needed that confirmation because I thought we made a wrong decision.

He had feeling of love, fun, and play and was ready.

He doesn’t need his toenails cut, he hated that!

He is never leaving me,He is my guardian💜 and he had a super cool life and his loving on us all the time and loves us and is with us all the time.

I have peace knowing that he is okay and with the 2 most important people in my life, my Mom and Dad. I am so glad I connected with him, I was so worried that we made a rush decision and now I know we didn’t. And to know that he is with me, guarding me, and loving me from above is just so comforting. I miss him every day, but we will all be together eventually💗”


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