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Mix Signals Before Your Animals Passing

The Other Side of Air

First Published in The Santa Barbara News-Press




Jinx was a 16-year-old Jack Russell terrier. He died in April of 2017. In March, at the end of his life, his person asked me to speak with him. She wrote, “Jinx is very old. I don’t have your gift, but I am sensitive to my critters. Jinx is giving me mixed signals. I want to know how he is feeling in his advanced age.”

During our session, Jinx said, “I am feeling a little more distant lately. There seems to be more sunshine on the other side of air. It’s a soft feeling. Dogs are running there: some small Jack Russells like me and a big one too. The big one rolls in the tall grass. He is smiling. I also see a man that says he will take me walking. He is throwing a stick.

“Sometimes I feel happy inside of myself,” Jinx continued. “My mom is sweet and tender to me. She has been feeding me really well. I have times where I am happy in my legs. But when I am feeling sick, I feel confused on what time of day it is. I love my life, but I am spending more time in the sunshine on the other side of air. It is getting close to that time where I will cross the bridge to the other dogs. That rainbow bridge is really fun-looking. I would love to see grass. I am not scared because there is love in that world. I know you can feel your mom hugging you there because sometimes when I am in that world, I have mom hugs and dad smiles. It’s like a peaceful place. When I am awake, I get anxious and my legs start to get anxious too. I think I need to eat a lot of chicken pieces and lick some ice cream. That would be great. Maybe I could eat a hamburger.”

The reason why Jinx’s person was sensing mixed signals is because the veil between dimensions was starting to blend. When Jinx would awake from his dreams or from visiting the afterlife, he would seem briefly renewed, and then, as he stayed awake, he became more aware of his pain and decline of health.

Jinx died peacefully a few weeks after our first conversation. A week after his passing, I connected with him again.

He said, “Tell my mom that Heaven is really beautiful. I can run fast again, leaping over the couch in our living room and spin around. My mom’s dad is here. He met me over the bridge, took me in his arms, wrapped me in a blanket, stroked me like my mom does and said, ‘You are home, Jinx. You are not sick anymore.’ Just then, full of energy, I got up, ran outside and all around the grass. My breathing is really easy now. My mom’s mom is here too. She kisses me, makes sure I eat well, and brings me water. We have been on beach walks! I want to tell my mom that I am relieved that I am not in that body anymore. It was dying on me. Now I am all my spirit and all the love my family
has for me. I am still with her. I visit all the time. I sit on the couch with her and snuggle up beside her. I prance into the kitchen with her and sometimes I sit on the passenger seat of the car. I love it here. I had the best life with my mom. I still feel her here. I don’t feel I am missing her, because we are all one.”

We often struggle when our loved ones pass over, but they have transitioned to a world filled with love. Our loved ones will visit us in spirit, placing a memory in our minds while wrapping their spirit around us. Oftentimes that memory comes with intense emotion — love, laughter, joy or sorrow. The mind may have a hard time understanding it and fall into a sense of longing. Take a moment to be present when you are overcome. Speak out to your loved ones and then notice how you feel. You just may feel a comforting love surround you — a visit from what Jinx calls “the other side of air.”

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1 thought on “Mix Signals Before Your Animals Passing”

  1. Reading this always comforts me about the hardest decision pet owners make, and about my own mortality. I appreciate Laura and her insights. I miss my bunnies so much.

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