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Cupid needs some mom time


Cupid has a lot of foster dogs come through his house.  He really wants some alone time.  Cupid says,

“Can I go out with mom to special places?  I want to go out with her alone.  I need a break from all these dogs.  I want to tell my mom something else. I want to tell her that it will feel really good if we go out together and walk around. …  I don’t have anything to say about all the dogs in the house.  A lot of the times I wish it was just our dogs and no fosters, but I understand.  … Ok.  I want to know if I can see the world a little bit with my mom.  Let’s go somewhere now.”

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1 thought on “Cupid needs some mom time”

  1. I am happy to say Cupid got his wish–we went somewhere, just us, right after and he’s been getting alone time. We also have no more fosters, as the last two are now with us forever (and that’s too many young dogs to take on more). Cupid also asked for a kid, promising he’d be really good with it, and he’s kept his word. He was the first of the pack to understand how to play with pupster Piglet and led the way to her acceptance into the group.

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