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Dairy 8/25/09 just because I said I would

It’s the end of the day and I promised you all, if any one is reading, that I would write daily.  So here is my day…

Woke up to see breaching orca and humpback whales in my head before rising out of bed.  Their eyes blinking just out of the water.  Then they slowly sank back into the ocean.  What it means I am not sure.  Last time I saw whales in my visions, one was being hit by a big boat because of underwater sonar.  Two weeks later a whale washed up on the ventura coastline.  I am positive the whale I saw being hit  was the same whale dead.  Why or how the vision was created in my mind, I do not know.

Morning walk with the dogs on a back country road.  A truck comes around the corner.  My dogs and I get to side of the road.  A routine we have been doing for the past 10+ years.  I am telling my dogs about a woman and her dog that got killed by a car driven by a 16 year old boy who was not speeding down by the fair grounds.  Just when I was finishing the story Stormy, my Aussie takes a few steps into the road right next to the truck. He is focused on a quail in a distant field.  I am in shock.  I call him back and scold him for leaving the side and walking almost into the side of the truck.  He looks at me a smiles with his big chestnut eyes.  I continue to scold him.  I tell him how dangerous his behavior was and wasn’t he just listening to me about the woman and the dog.  He tells me he has no fear of being a spirit.  I tell him about pain and make him sit while I visualize the brutal reality of being hurt.  He looks me eyes, smiles and says, “I don’t know why you are fussing so much.  I didn’t get hurt.  Look at me I am fine.” This made me very upset. I scolded him more.  He just smiled and looked at me like I was crazy because the morning is beautiful and he is still alive.  My friend called.  For this post I will call her Sally.  I tell Sally how naughty Storm was.  Stormy was listening.  He doesn’t like me putting him down to my friend so he decides to change his behavior fast.  From then on every time a car passed he ran to the side of the road, glued himself to me, and then looked up to me with the sweetest eyes and said, “I am perfect and you know it.”

My first client of the day is an adorable Visla puppy name Allegra.  We worked on “Come” and “Stay” at the beach.  She can pull on the leash so after the beach I was working on her walking nicely with a new head collar.  She fussed a bit with it, which is normal.  I bent down to explain to her what she needed to do, walk by her handlers side, and what the head collar meant.  She replied, “last night I spent the night at my dog sitters.  She left me outside at night with the other dogs for a bit and they were telling me about the stars and how they move across the sky.  I saw the stars.  Have you watched them?  I  haven’t noticed them move across the sky, but I like them.  And then the other dogs were talking to me about animals that come out at night like raccoons and possums.  I never knew about those animals.  Especially those small white ones with the long tails.”

Here is a video of Allegra:


Then I went to spend the day with Sally doing something that was very hard for her.  In the evening, I needed to rush home to feed the animals.  I had someone walk the dogs and while I was walking out the door to go to my car I could here my dogs, cats, and bunny say, “Mom, you need to stay with Sally.  She is scared and she needs you more than we do.  It is ok if we don’t eat for a while.” I just love my sweet little beings.  Sally was happy I stayed.  Right before I left Sally I went to the ladies room and heard Stormy say, “Mom, can I tell you something?  We are starting to get hungry.”

When I was home and everyone was fed I checked in with Sally and Stormy came over to me and said, “Tell Sally Happy Birthday.” I said it is not Sally’s birthday and he said, “Yes it is.  Today is the first day of the rest of her life.”

Then I found a mouse in the house and it is now hiding behind my bathroom sink regardless of the fact that I told it I can move it outside.

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1 thought on “Dairy 8/25/09 just because I said I would”

  1. Laura,
    I just realized you have the blog. Saw the entry about Molly and Zenza. Love the blogs. So so interesting.

    I have told everyone about you, including my vet. She was intrigued and going to check out the website.

    They think Deacon is wonderful. He didn’t even need a sedative to have his ears irrigated. There wasn’t much in it, but a little. He seemed happier last night and more confident. I guess having a day on his own at the vet made him feel more grown up or confident or something.


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