Part of this is a secret. My good friend has recently invited me to live on the most magically piece of property that I have ever visited… and I have been around the world. I believe she got this idea from my deceased cat Joey who kept telling me before he died that we need to live on land like in New York. My friend told me, “The idea to ask you came out of nowhere while I was eating lunch. Though I have thought long and hard about it before I asked you.”
The Buddha above resides on the property. He was carved by from a massive red wood tree that fell in an earthquake. I often sit on his knee whispering silently my feelings of gratitude and pray for a slice of his wisdom. When my friend was a child, 7o or so years ago, there were retired circus bears that lived on the property, mountains lions that slept in the dark stalactites caverns, and other animals that you would not expect to see on an estate. Now there are owls, bobcats, coyote, racoons, chickens… The bamboo around the coy inhabited ponds are giant and wrap around rare plants and trees that were brought on boats from around the world. The land is lush and fertile reminding me of a combinations of my childhood home in NY and of the flowered filled Island of Nevis my favorite destination.
“You could live in a trailer” my friend says.
“live in a trailer?” I contemplate. “Downsize and rent out my two bedroom home. Be a landlord..Live in a trailer with two dogs, two cats and a bunny?”… “live on a magical property… be closer to the ocean… I would surf more.. I would write more… I would be happier. We all would be happier… but a trailer?”
So I started googling and you know they are some pretty nice trailers out there. I brought the dogs to the site and we mapped out a place for the trailer and for a yard around the trailer for when I am not home. And them Makia my cat came and walked the property (in her harness) in awe of its beauty. “Makia says there are tress to climb and a pond with pretty leaves in the middle.” Serafina my other cat tells me the night of the visit. “We should move there. In a trailer” all my animals say.
I get excited to get rid of half my “stuff” I already live simply, but maybe someone else could use the juicer I never use (I am in love with my blender), the books I have not read in many years, or the dress that is too big for me but I love so much I haven’t given it away. So I start the process slowly… “There is not much to do” I think.
Yesterday my best friend Jim and I went looking for trailers. There are not many that are made after 2007 over 35 ft. out there for sale. If I am going to live in a trailer, its going to be a nice one. We first walked in a 42foot park model trailer. It instantly gave me the creeps and I had to leave it quickly. It was clean and nice looking but something freaky happened in it and I didn’t want to know what. Jim didnt ask any questions when I left. The next one we entered was this one:

It has three pop outs. I full bathroom, stainless steel appliances, air-conditioning, heat, surround sound, a washer and dryer even! But it was more flimsy then the pictures looked. It shook when we walked. They assured me once it is parked and stabilized it wont shake.
Jim and I sat in it for a good 15 minutes thinking about all the ways I could upgrade it – tear out the brown carpet put in a nice flooring, new hardware on the cabinets, take out the built in furniture and put in my own. Where would my desk go? Where would the dog bed and the litter box go? I’ll put the litter box in the shower. And Bean my bunny – her enclosure is huge. She practically has her own bedroom. She would have to down size too.
All this time I have been convincing my self that it would be like living on a boat. I once lived on a boat for a couple of months while sailing around the Caribbean. I have always dreamed of living on a boat again. Here in the trailer at a quiet moment I heard my deceased grandpa, who was an avid sailor, say, “Laura this is a trailer not a boat.”
“I know grandpa but it is the land I am moving for. It is sort of like the sea.”
“It is not like the sea” I heard him answer. I have learned that not all dead beings are “all knowing” or “know the best thing for you.” This is a common misconception of the other side. Though I highly respect my grandfathers opinions whether alive on earth or from the other-side.
Jim left me so I could meditate. I needed to see what spirit had to say about this idea of mine and this particular trailer. I was sitting in this chair:

I close my eyes and then I fell something touching my legs. I look up and I see the spirit of a two year old child. He wants up on my lap. I look up and leaning on the kitchen counter with his chin in his hand I see a man in his early 30’s staring at me.
“Can you help my son get to heaven” He asks me.
“How does a child get stuck in the world in-between?” I wondered. The child wanted to play with me. He had toys in his hands.
I have been talking to the dead since I was very young. It has always been a normal thing for me to do. Just like talking to the animals. But I have only helped a few others cross over to the other side. It is by no means something I am trained or a professional at doing. Nor is it something that I strive to be good at. I would rather leave that to other mediums.
I was not scared of the man and the boy. I felt extreme sorrow for them. I told the boy to allow himself to float to where ever he felt pulled and asked him if he saw a bright light and felt a warm feeling. I saw him look around and then smile. I told him to go to that and after he looked to his father and his father reassured him to go, in a few seconds I the child much farther way wrapped in light with his legs and arms hugging an elderly woman.
“You need to go too.” I told the man.
“I have to stay here.” and then he started to tell me his story. “My wife died in the bedroom from too many drugs.” I saw at that moment what he had found. A woman draped half on the bed half on the floor, black and blue, skinny and dead with a needle in her arm. “I have to find her and bring her with me to heaven.”
I didn’t see her or feel her in the trailer. I didn’t think she went to heaven because if she did I would imagine she would of came back for him. “You’ll have a better chance of finding her once you cross over and deal with your own story. She’s not in your dimension. You wont find her if you wait. How did you die?”
“I found her dead and I couldn’t handle it. I freaked out and I gassed us. I shouldn’t have done it. I robbed my son of a life. I made a bad decision. Her parents bought us this trailer so we could give him a good life. I freaked out. I made a mistake.”
“You need to look at your decision after you cross over. Do you know anyone who has passed that we can call to come help you?” I asked him hoping that someone from the other side would appear just like for the little boy.
“my dad is there, but I don’t want to go to him” I saw a man spitting out the end of cigar.
“Anyone else?” I asked.
The man was thinking. He was still standing near the kitchen counter. Then from a break in a field of energy I saw a flash of light and man walk surrounded by sparks of light. He looked like a basket ball coach.
The spirit man in the trailer lit up and smiled. He went to him and shock hands. They seemed far away and surrounded in light. I smiled and then I cried. Just a little bit. Because I didn’t like the thought of a man and his child stuck in the in-between world.
“howdy can I answer any of your questions.” The trailer salesman’s appeared.
I decided to make up a few questions. Maybe I would compare the answers to another trailer seller one day. This trailer was not for me. Jim arrives and starts his questioning. He takes a look at me and asks, “Are you ok?”. “yeah great.” and Jim continues to talk to the salesmen about propane and hookups and stability and transport…. and I let him do it because I am glad I have a “guy” with me and I think it is good to be knowledgeable. There is a part of me inside screaming, “NO WAY in hell you are living in a trailer. You cant live in trailer. This is a sign.” Before I leave the trailer I go to the back bedroom to see if I can see the woman. Why I did this I dont know. It is like when I was kid and devoured every Stephen King Novel and Edgar Allen Poe writing or when my friends and I would watch Friday the 13th and then go out at night and walk the woods around the lake where the movies where filmed. There is a part of me that likes the adrenal rush of freaking myself out. But I thought I got over this many years ago. When the reality of the dark side really showed itself to me. The life of a psychic sees many worlds.
10 minutes later Jim and I are sitting on leather seats (which I dont agree with) in a $100,000 touring bus dreaming about a book tour one day and telling stories of the haunted trailer. So glad he doesn’t think I am crazy.
Later that afternoon my friend Tina convinces me that I can still live in a trailer and it is for the property that I would be doing it. “Anyways you cleared the trailer. Why cant you just get that one? It sounded nice.” She asks.
“Because the last thing I need is to be there my first night and the dead drug addict wife appears.”
Tina agrees.
So now… I wonder… will I live in a trailer or will I stay in my house.
I’ll have to visit the Buddha.

What a terrific story! I think I am one of your greatest fans! I can just picture when you get your own tv show, it will start with you sitting with the Buddha, praying for Wisdom. I wish you all the best of everything in your journey ahead. Thank you so very much for sharing this experience with us. You are quite the story-teller. Bravo!
Thank you Barbara!
Thank you for sharing your story! Have you considered living in a yurt?
Hi Michelle, yes though yurts are expensive.
Loved your story. Interesting wht you said about peoplefrom :the other side: not knowing what’s best for: You once told me that my mom helped me find the condo i’m in because of the view, but I dont think she would have brought me here if she had known how much extra I had to pay and thatI couldnt keep my beautiful “courtyard”. the view is worth a lot tho except my cats cant go outside and play.
would LOVE to see you onTV. I simply MUST save and get money so you can
‘talk to Sonny and Buddy. We all miss you so much. Bless you for all you do.