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Jazz’s Thoughts

This is Jazz.  She is six years old.  Sometimes she has a peeing problem around the house.  This is what she says about it,


“Well, I get that it’s stinky.   It feels like a great thing to do. It makes me feel confident, and it makes me feel like the queen.  I think that if I didn’t do it now and then, I would lose queen status.”


    When I asked her why she peed on her mom’s new office chair, she said, “My mom had her new job, so I peed to give her power.”  

I told her that it made her mom upset. She responded, “I thought it gave her power.  Well, ok then, so I shouldn’t pee.  Peeing is definitely my power move.”


There are hundreds of reasons why cats pee in inappropriate places, but it is common when cats feel insecure. It is an instinctual behavior because smelling their urine in their territory can help them feel more confident.  Though this is the first time, I have heard that it makes one feel like a queen.

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