Joey the cat says from heaven,
“Juliette, Lala & I (animals in heaven) are sending mom energy & figuring out how to increase her abundance and decrease her sorrow. The deep experiences of the suffering of animals and their people that run through her body create and undercurrent of sadness that stops the flow of abundance. We are learning how to be compassionate with out the feeling of a torn heart. We are learning how to teach mom this lesson so she can free herself from the pain of others. When she meditates I lie with her. When she is feeding the animals I am there too. I am in the car when she is driving, sitting in her lap and looking out the window. I am found not outside in the stars but deep within her heart.”
On August 31, as I was saying good-bye to the animals to leave for my afternoon-evening work session from 1:30-9 p.m., Joey, my oldest cat, came into the kitchen, meowed painfully, and lay down pleading to me not to go to work because, he said, “Mom, I am dying.” I stayed with him and his pain was almost too much for me to bear. He could not rest and didn’t want to be petted, except for stroking of his head and ears.
I have had Joey for 18 years, since my last year in college. We lived on a lake when I brought him home. Joey would go canoeing with us. That year, I studied abnormal psychology and became a reiki master. That year, my boyfriend took Joey, our cat Julliett, and my dog lala on a three-mile hike around the golf course. He lost Joey and didn’t realize it until I got home and asked where he was. My boyfriend told me he last saw Joey at hole nine. Five hours after the sighting I found Joey at hole nine.
“I knew you would come for me,” I heard him say as he pranced out of the brushes to greet me.
Joey traveled cross-country with me four times, escaped the jaws of a coyote, became friends with a bobcat, and has witnessed me grow as a woman and an animal communicator. He has buried seven other animals with me — two dogs, one cat, two bunnies, and two pigs.
On September 1, 2011, with my two cats Makia and Serafina, my Aussie Stormy, my friend Jim, and our old friend and veterinarian Dr. Otto by his side, Joey took his last breaths in the back of my car.
My animal family and I have had moments of deep sadness, peace, and a surrendering to what is. Joey’s passing is a huge loss. I don’t believe I have ever written an article without Joey curled up on my left side.
Now, with tears in my eyes and a great pain in my heart, I ask Joey, what do you want to say?
“I want everyone to know that when their animal is dying to tell them to fly as high as you can. This helped me a great deal because now I am in such a beautiful place in heaven. It is green like summers in New York. There are butterflies and lizards and deer and catnip fields. Here I lie with my mom and my family in our happiest times. I feel connected to them still and I do not feel loneliness. I feel only a sweet happiness. Right before I died I saw Lala and Juliette running for me, and I am still with them here. We are staying in heaven taking turns going back to Mom. We are sending her energy and figuring out how to increase her abundance and decrease her sorrow. The deep experiences of the suffering of animals and their people that run through her body create an undercurrent of sadness that stops the flow of abundance. We are learning how to be compassionate without the feeling of a torn heart. We are learning how to teach Mom this lesson so she can free herself from the pain of others.
“Maia was sad here in heaven because she had much to learn. That is why her spirit is back with Mom. I have lived many lives with Mom. I am in a good place. When she meditates, I lie with her. When she is feeding the animals, I am there too. I am in the car when she is driving, sitting in her lap and looking out the window. I am found not outside in the stars but deep within her heart. I will always be here for her. We are bound together. We are each others’ teachers, and now it is my turn to help her heal. To all those that miss their loved ones in heaven: speak to them, pray to them. This helps us grow and gives up light. I am not gone. I am still here.”
What a beautiful message! Thank you for sharing!
When Angel cat passed over last November my tears came daily for months. I had started to suspect that Angel was a lot more than I perceived her to be; you helped me to understand her better and make her transition easier. I hurt so much this time as we had been together lifetime after lifetime. I now work at Cat Rescue and contact many each day which I love doing. I am sad to know that I would not know these special ones if Angel were still here. The Angel spirit is deep within my heart and helps me to help her kin that are here. It seems that Angel “swept” Angelita and Atticus cats to live with me and I love them dearly.
What a beautiful message from heaven that Joey has shared; it brought tears to my eyes and hope to my heart. Knowing that they truly live on in spirit is one of the most wonderful things I’ve learned from you Laura. Thank you from the bottom on my heart for this knowledge. Please know that you are loved by the people and animals hearts that you have touched. My 4-legged friends and I will keep you in our prayers as your heart heals. We love you.
Dear Laura,
The beautiful article that you wrote about Joey’s passing made me feel so many emotions. I wish their were words that I could offer to help your heart heal. But, I also feel hopeful because even though Joey’s physical prescence is no longer, you can still communicate with him.
Sally and I send you a virtual hug and hope that your sadness lightens soon.
Thank you for sharing. It brings peace.
Absolutely beautiful letter Laura. Thank you for sharing. Much love to you and Joey. xx
Laura, I am so sorry your Joey has passed on to the next plane. I know how much you miss him, because that is how much I miss my Ruby. Ruby just gave me a little flash that she will say hi to Joey and make him feel at home. Ruby and I always communicate, and it really helps – it makes the loss a little more bearable. Even though we know our animals are doing well and are happy where they are, we can’t help but miss them in our everyday lives. Priscilla, Ruby, and I will send positive thoughts to Joey, you, and all your animals.
Thank you Laura for sharing your gifts with us – for being sensitive to animals and translating what they are feeling in writing and speaking for us to benefit, learn and grow. Huey (my chi) is doing much better now (you saw him about 6 months ago in Santa Barbara). He is feeling happier and calmer – and so am I. Your letter when Joey passed is helpful – so positive and clear. I imagine it may be a time that includes grief for you but I love how you say he is not in the stars, he is in your heart. And I know when you say he was always curled up next to you when you wrote. Huey is always with me – at all my client’s offices. He is an amazing being. thank you for helping me understand him and all animals better.
I am most sorry for your loss. I know what it’s like to lose a member of your family, human or not, and especially when there’s pain and suffering involved. I’m sure Joey was happy, having such a loving caretaker as you- if only every cat in the world had that kind of love! And in a way, If I may say, you are fortunate, because you can talk to them on the other side and know what they say, and the most important thing, know that they are still there, and that they are ok.
My blessings to you, to Joey and to your other friends!
Oh, Laura, I am so sorry for your loss. When the day comes that my little Vixen finally has to cross over, she is going to leave just as big of a hole in my heart as you have for Joey. While we love all our animals, there are those special ones with whom we feel a closer connection, and the longer they are with us, the stronger that bond becomes. You have helped me to know just how much Vixen does understand about our life together, and of the greater metaphysical world that most of us can only imagine. How wonderful that you have your amazing gift to understand that Joey was in his last hours so you could comfort him, and know that his spirit lives on and is still with you! Sending you and your animal family much love and prayers for strength and comfort during this time of grief.
I have thought about you a lot over the past few days. My heart goes out to you and your family during this difficult time. (((hugs))) Gina & Family
Your article brought tears to my eyes Laura. I am so sorry for your loss. When you communicated with my Boe at our last session I now talk to Boe all the time in my prayers at night and I know that he is listening to me. I hope you take comfort in knowing that Joey is always with you, like I know that Boe is always with me, thanks to you 🙂 I hope Joey brings peace to your heart during this time of grief.
I have just read the article you wrote about Joey, and his comments. I also read the 33 hours after and all the comments that were made. I must say that tears have come to my eyes, too. I still miss my Sammy,Claude Claude (you never met her) Moy Moy and Mi Mi. I wonder if Sonny still sees Sammy. Buddy keeps
getting closer and closer to my heart every day and Im glad he;s here with Sonny and me.
You and your animals have taught us all so much. Its reassuring to know that
the animals are all in a good place. All of our animals. I send you tons of love
for all that you do and for who you are. I feel sorry for people who dont believe in the kind of gifts of communication you have. I have two friends who have recently lost pets that they grieve for, and if they would just open up to what you do and the communications your animals here and “there”
share it would help them.
May God help heal your heart. I know this will happen thru the love of
your family here and there, and from all the lives you have touched. Blessings on you, Laura.
I am so sorry to hear of Joey’s passing. The loss can be devastating, and I send my heartfelt condolences to you and your family. You have my support should you feel the need. Animals are such precious gifts that just don’t seem to be here long enough. -God bless and sympathies
Hello Laura,
What a very sad time for all of you. My deepest sympathy goes out
to you and your household of animals. With love and caring, Vickie
Dear Laura,
I’m so sorry to hear about Joey, and thank you for sharing with us how he, you, and your other animals are doing. I’m mostly sorry for his pain and yours, but I’m relieved to hear that he’s ok. Thank you so much for your email and take care.
Thanks Laura for sharing your sorrow and your continued connection with Joey. I am sorry for your loss and do know the sorrow loosing a loved animal brings.
You bring so much to others…I hope all the words found here in your blog help you to find the peace and love needed to move forward.
Thank you for your inspiring message your mom shared in her letter. I hope your mom will read “A Dog’s Purpose” and enjoy the stories of a dog through the lifetimes. You are a wise and beautiful soul and know “A Cat’s Purpose”.
Love and healthy wishes,
Gloria Morgan and Bunnies
What a powerful message. Thank you Joey. I think about all of my animal friends who have passed, but have never prayed to them before. I will from now on.
Such sweetness and power – both simultaneously! Thank you Laura and Joey, for all that you do to demonstrate healing and to bring light. Very grateful to you!
Dear Laura,
I was so sorry to hear of your loss. In time of my sorrow you gave me great comfort knowing that Julio’s spirit is with me, and he is. I wish for you and Joey that same comfort!
Thank you Laura for all that you do.
Hi! I am Sue’s friend next door (with all the Chihuahuas) and Sue shared your memories of Joey with me. It brought tears to my eyes, as I have a 16 year old Siamese cat named Joker. Joker has cancer, and I know his time is coming. I have always worried, I would not know “when it was time” but I now know, he will tell me. I will enjoy him each day and be thankful for all of the years he has made our lives brighter..funnier..worried and happier.
Dear Laura, I am so sad hearing of your loss of Joey. I hope like crazy that he and your other animal friends can teach you how to feel compassion without being filled with sorrow. You have more elderly animals at home and I am praying that you can learn a way to be there for them when they get sick without it taking such a heavy toll on you. (Then maybe you can teach us!) Sending hugs n prayers