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Joey’s First Diary Entry


When I was younger I fell out of a tree and hurt my knee.  Ever since then I would bite or scratch people if they touched me behind my shoulders.  Then my mom told me that it hurt to bite and scratch and she told me to hiss instead.  Then I learned how to hiss.  Lately I have been thinking, “why get so upset maybe the people who want to touch me can make my body feel better”  So now I let people touch me more and I realize that the fear of the pain was worse than the actually pain in my body.  I also get scared because people have kicked me and I have realized that is not going to happen anymore.  This morning it was dark and my mom walked into me.  When she did it scared me but I realized it really didn’t hurt.  I think that when you know about your fear that is the first step to seeing if it is real or not.  Is fear ever real?  I think it is.  Sometimes it is good to be fearful because it will keep you safe.  Like running from a coyote and staying inside at night because the coyotes hunt.  That fear keeps me safe.   I would like to know what kind of fear do people have?  Do most people know that there is false fear or do people remain fearful their whole lives?

Also I get happier as I get older.  I also get healthier.  My mom gives me aloe vera juice in my mouth every night and that is a miracle.  It has helped my knees.  Every kitty who has itchy ears should get it.  It doesn’t even taste that bad.

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2 thoughts on “Joey’s First Diary Entry”

  1. Thank you so much, Joey! I think that people learn about false fears if they are open to learning that. Some people are open and some people are not. and some people get more open as they get older.

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