The Pet Psychic®

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This is Juno. She died at eleven years old. She says to her person from Heaven, “Here in heaven is this bright blue star that has twinkling energy. When I am around it, I feel more vibrant. I feel full of energy. There is a grandma woman here who loves to wear necklaces. She has rings on too. She jingles sometimes, and she laughs, and she loves music. She loves to just be with me and take me on pretty walks past lots of flowers. I want my mom to know that I didn’t feel pain before I left for Heaven.”

Animals often talk about meeting our ancestors in Heaven. At first, Juno’s person could not figure out who the grandma woman was. She didn’t sound familiar to her. I think it may have even frustrated her at first. But in time she recalled that her grandmother who passed did wear a lot of jewelry. Sometimes it seems so foreign to us that our ancestors would come for our animals. They may not have known our animals or even us well in life. They may not have liked pets. I have heard so many times that our ancestors are with our animals, that it never surprises me. Our ancestors are looking over their family. They meet our animals in the essence of mutual love for us.

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