The Pet Psychic®

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We love this dog! He has been a part of our family for almost two years and we wish we could keep him! We are expecting our first baby, live in a small space with a tiny yard and just can’t give Justice what he needs. He needs a larger space with more room to explore and someone who can give him lots of exercise.
Justice is a 60lb Bassett Hound mix who loves all people and most other dogs. He knows basic commands. He loves to play with his tennis ball and enjoys tug-of-war. He loves to go to the beach and the dog park. He has lots of energy and needs daily exercise, lots of love and attention. He is really just a 60lb lap dog!
Justice will make a great addition to your life. He is loving, protective, fun, energetic and silly.
If you are interested please contact:
Tim @ 805-453-6171
JUSTICE SAYS, “I want another dog to play with, but not one that slobbers in the water bowl and place with different boxes of snacks.”
Laura: Do you know why your family has to find you another home?
Justice: I know it is not because they do not love me. My mom and dad are very sad about it. I think it is because I take up so much room and I need more space. I also think it is because there is a baby coming and it will take up even more space. It is so sad that I have to leave my home, but my mom and dad know what is best for me and if they think this is the best thing than it is. It is sad to think I will not wake up to them everyday.
Laura: You people love you and they feel that someone else can give you more time. What do you want your new people to be like?
Justice: I want my new people to be happy to see me every time they come home. I want them to smell nice. I want them to know that I like little pieces of everything that they eat. I want them to know that I like the beach, but I don’t like my belly to have sand on it when I come home. I like to be wiped down with soft towel after I have been in the water. I want my people to love to be active. I love to go places. I don’t like to sit home all day long. But I have learned to stay home if I need to. I am not depressed; I would just rather see the world. I love when people pet me and look into my eyes and tell me how wonderful I am. So many people I meet love the way I look. I wonder if I could find a human with short legs and a long body. Then everyone would love the way both of us look. I like woman and men. Bicycles scare me a little bit because their wheels make me dizzy.
Laura: What are you thoughts about how sometimes a home is not the right home for a dog?
Justice: I think that I have it pretty good and my people have taught me to trust my people and to look to them for love and teachings. So I think that if my people say it could be better it must be really amazing in a new home. My mom and dad love each other so much and Spirit (other dog in house) and I love each other too, but we do not love each other the way mom and dad do. We get annoyed with each other. Which makes us both a little down. So if I found another friend who truly loves me than I can believe that I could be even happier.
Laura: Can you tell me more about you and Spirit’s relationship?
Justice: Sure, she is my big sister and at first I loved her and she hated me. Now she likes me. She likes to watch me run and she likes to watch the way I move my body. She thinks I am humorous, but she doesn’t think that I am smart. She thinks that I am a pain to the family. She says I don’t learn fast enough and I should pay closer attention. I think I do a very good job at paying attention so when Spirit tells me that I get really sad. I try really hard. She tells me I am bad and that mom and dad should leave me at the park and go home with out me. I know they would never do it and I know that she is joking, but it makes me sad that she thinks I don’t belong in the family. She says I am different from her. It’s hard, because I never feel good enough.
I know they love me, but I want to feel good enough all the time. So I guess that is what I want most out of my new people. I want to fit in. I am a really good boy. I really am.

I love this dog. Anyone who adopts him gets a free pet-psychic / training session.
Please contact Tim @ 805-453-6171 for more information on Justice

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