The Pet Psychic®

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This is Kittywat. She is 16 years old. I always love talking with her because she is very wise. She opened our session with, “I want to tell my mom I feel like she has jumped consciousness lately. She is way faster at manifesting the things that she wants. She seems happier than she has been in a while. I want her to know that whatever happens to me in this life, I want her to thrive. I don’t ever want her not to thrive if I am not doing well.”

At the end of our session, she says, “My mom is so awesome.

One time she was super depressed, and I had to hang out with her and tell her to snap out of it. I was like, mom, you are a happy person, and you have a good life. So, what that you want to change. So, change.

Sometimes she gets worried right before she makes a change, but she always does change. I have known a lot of people that don’t change at all. Mom, thank goodness you have action inside of you. Cry if you want but then get over it because you have a life to live. I love you, mom.”

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