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Kitty Boy

This is Kitty Boy. He is 12 years old and has some medical issues. He has been peeing outside of the litter box. He says, “Does my mom know that I have problems? I don’t feel well a lot of the time. My insides are painful. It burns and not just on my penis. I can’t use the litter box when I have to pee. When I am in the box, I feel like I am melting into the litter, and then it hurts me. When I go poopy, it’s ok. I also have pain in my left ear. I don’t like this feeling I have.”

It is common for animals with urinary issues or constipation not to want to be in the litter box.  Using their fine motor skills to balance in sinking litter can cause pain pushing on a full bladder.  Also, sometimes, when they are not feeling well, the smell of the litter will make them feel nauseous.  These animals usually go to the bathroom near the litter box, just not inside it.

Kitty Boy also says, “Tell my mom she is my world, and I love her beautiful eyes looking at me. mom, I know you care.”

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