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This is Serafina. I found her about 6 years ago. I was driving by a ranch I used to live at and was looking for a bobcat that used to hunt the fields in the morning. I was shocked to spot Serafina instead! She was trying to hunt a ground squirrel. She let me pick her up and put her in my car with my wolfdog and aussie dog. She was malnourished and covered in worms & fleas. She was so brave instantly rubbing herself in-between their legs. She is one of the most compassionate animals I have ever come across. When my older late cat was sick and dying Serafina rarely left his side and if anything was wrong she would run to me. If anything bad happens to any of the other animals she is right by their side no matter how scary the ordeal. It is truly amazing to witness. We call her the nurse. I'm so happy I was looking for that bobcat! - Laura Stinchfield •

This is Serafina. I found her about 6 years ago. I was driving by a ranch I used to live at and was looking for a bobcat that used to hunt the fields in the morning. I was shocked to spot Serafina instead! She was trying to hunt a ground squirrel. She let me pick her up and put her in my car with my wolfdog and aussie dog. She was malnourished and covered in worms & fleas. She was so brave instantly rubbing herself in-between their legs. She is one of the most compassionate animals I have ever come across. When my older late cat was sick and dying Serafina rarely left his side and if anything was wrong she would run to me. If anything bad happens to any of the other animals she is right by their side no matter how scary the ordeal. It is truly amazing to witness. We call her the nurse. I’m so happy I was looking for that bobcat! – Laura Stinchfield •

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