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buck-deceased blog










This is Buck. He died at 1 years old on July 4, 2014.

He says to his people from Heaven, “I had a great life with them. I know this because I they taught me a lot. They taught me to think and they taught me to pay attention. They gave me super love. It’s when you get so much love from their heart that you just feel good about yourself. My mom and dad are great parents. They really make everyone in their presence feel cared for and that is so important. They taught me that.”


His person writes after the session: We were so torn up when our Buck at one year old dog passed away last 4th of July. Having a reading with Laura has put my mind to rest. Turns out, pets have jobs on the other side. Our Buck had to go help an elderly man who had crossed over(who happens to be my grandfather). As much as I miss him, my mind is at such ease knowing he’s on the other side being his goofy self- helping and healing people.

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