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Serafina and her Heart

My sweet Serafina has had it rough these last two months. She had gastrointestinal issues for weeks and once that resolved her best friend Makia passed away. Then she was diagnosed with hypertension which partially detached her retinas leaving her with little distorted sight. Her heart issues still seem to be a problem so we are here at Veterinary Medical and Surgical Group for a Cardiologist consultation & echocardiogram. 
? Before she went in with Dr. Russell Serafina says, “I know Makia is my angel in Heaven but I miss her a lot. I see her everywhere playing as if she is a young again. I sit in her favorite place under the boat and I feel closer to her. I lie in the closet and imagine she is in there with me. My mom tells me to breathe into my heart and to not allow her heart break to hurt my heart. But I wonder if my heart problems is teaching us to remember that we are not separate from the plants and the Angels”. 

? Her echocardiogram came back good! She has a healthy heart! But will have to increase her blood pressure medicine. The doctor believes her issues are a result from kidney disease. He also sad it looks like her eyes are responding better! Yeah!  

While Serafina was in with the doctors a nameless stranger left me a message saying, “Wish you good luck as the situation is unfolding.” Our angels are watching over us. 

Serafina says, “I feel better knowing my nice doctor became my friend and shared his knowledge of my healthy heart with me. I feel lucky to be in such great care and to have people who love animals around me. I’m going to get even more better and live a longer healthier life. Tell all my friends out there thank you for thinking of my family in a positive way. Love heals. Smile for the sick. It helps.”

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